
我天生就是個急性子,而且脾氣暴躁加沒耐性. 所以家人跟朋友都是知道的,而且儘量不惹我... 因為我發瘋起來會六親不認的.. (都是遺傳吧! 老媽老弟都是一樣,我們是一個有暴力傾向的家庭! ㄏㄏ)言歸正傳 (我還會成語呢!) 我老公的媽是跟我的個性完全相反,他是那種安安靜靜又溫和,就是不高興也都放在心裡,有話也不多說的那種人. 有時候跟他聊個天都快把我給悶死! 不知道狀況的人還以為我自言自語哩! 還有啊,我發現他媽可能有A.D.D (Attention Deficit Disorder)還是怎樣,因為我再跟他聊東時,他突然會轉移話題的跟你聊西, 我心想,妳是有病啊,還是根本沒再聽我說話啊!! 來,給你舉個例子:

Sammy=S 老公的媽=M

S: Hi Marge, how u doing today? (On the phone)
M: Oh great, how are u?
S: I am fine, what did u do today?
M: Nothing much, I try to fix the garden a little bit...the weeds are out of control....
S: Wow, that's a lot of work....
M: So, what did u and Anthony do today??
S: Well, He got off work early today, and we decided to go to the mall and do some shopping. I went to couple of stores and picked up quite a few items for both boys...and (當我還沒講完時..)
M: Great, so what are u cooking for dinner tonight??
S: (我心想..媽的,我話像是說完了嗎?)所以我用最快的速度說 Chicken! 然後跟著接下去講我還沒說完的話...
M: 但他卻不甘示弱的回答 "Oh yeah? how are u gonna cook it?"
S: 我差點要吐血...又立刻說 "I am baking it!" 繼續接下文說在Mall裡買了些什麼...
M: 我猜他終於放棄了,最後說: "Ok, why don't u take some pic of the stuff you bought, and send it to me, I would love to see it..." (媽的,薑還是老的辣!)

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    ♥法修納家庭在弗羅里達的生活♥ ©

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