

話說今年聖誕節, 安東尼想幫我買一台新的像機, 所以他知道我要哪個Model後, 就四處比較價錢,看哪家最划算.  最後決定Best Buy的最合理, 想說在黑色星期五那天買新電視跟電動時,也順便買像機......

但是.我貨比三家不吃虧的老毛病又犯了.....我閑著沒事又開始在網上找更便宜的價錢 (Word of wisdom: You can ALWAYS find it cheaper online!!)

不出我所料! 我果然在Dell的網站找到我要的像機, 而且還比Best Buy的便宜$14塊!! (貨比三家真的不吃虧!!) 噢 對了, 連運費也免噢!!

我立刻打電話給在上班的安東尼,說像機在網上買就好了.  他居然說: "你自己去網上買,那還算哪門兒子的禮物啊? 要買也要等我回家讓我上網買...."

"天啊 親愛的,你饒了我吧.... 別沒事找事了! 我買了後讓你包起來總行了吧? 反正我買什麼還不都是用你的錢買的...." 我試著在說服他

"Fine, but I am buying the rest, NO MORE GIFTS to yourself....u hear me?!" 他像Vinny一樣可愛的"威脅"我

"Ok ok....I won't....." 有點違背良心的回答 (Crossing my fingers)

之後我帶著愉快的心情,用最快的速度 Click, click, click, 像機就order好了....Ok, 重點也來了.....

order完,上面白底黑字寫的清清楚楚: Shipping date: Dec. 3rd 2007

Ok, 雖然要等一段時間才會寄出來, 但是價錢超合理,無所謂,只要在聖誕節前到就好了,我不急.....

Dec. 4th的時候,我習慣性的打了通客服,確定東西寄出來了沒, 我這不打還好,這一通電話下來把我活活的氣個火冒三丈!! 第一,我在電話上等了很久  第二,一個口音比我體重還重的印度人接的.....

說了半天我才聽懂 "目前我像機沒貨了??!"

"Back order???!!! Did you just say "BACK ORDER"???!!! When were u guys going to notify me about this??"

"Oh I am sure the email was sent out to you......." 客服用他完全無所謂外加極爛的印度口音英文回我

"What email?? There's nothing in my mailbox!!" 我還在忍, 但心中已經開始罵 "去妳媽的活瞎掰!! 我信箱裡根本就沒有說你沒貨的通知信!!!"

"Oh no no....are u sure?? Check again...." 再一次用他連我都快聽不懂的"英文"回我

"NEVER MIND, THANKS, I'LL JUST CALL BACK" 我受不了的掛了! 想說再打一次,說不定瞎貓碰上死耗子,讓我跟個會說英文的客服說.....

又打了一通, 很"幸運"的.....

"Hallo, thank you for calling Dell customer service, my name is Hajabibal (自己編的 lol) how can I assist you today??" 一個口音沒那麼重的接的...好險

我又重複了一次我的情況, 但這次卻出乎我意料之外...... 他居然說 "沒有啊,這裡說你相機已經寄出去了啊!!"

"什麼??!!! 你確定!!" 我這時心中超興奮


兩天後, 我卻不可思議的收到一封讓我想殺人的email: 

Dear Mr./Ms. S. Fashona,

I see in our records that the order has
> been backordered and the new estimated ship date is
> 12/21/2007. we are making every effort to complete
> the order.
> If there is anything additional that you need from
> customer care, please feel free to write to us. When
> replying to this e-mail, please leave the subject
> line unchanged so we can route your reply correctly,
> you can also visit us online at
> We appreciate your patience
> and co-operation.

我揉一下眼睛 12/21/2007???  12/21/2007??? 有沒有搞錯啊?!

我這時已經可以感覺到我的筋快要爆出來的感覺,於是, 我回了他們一封信:

Dell Home and Home Office Customer Care.

Dell Inc.
Original Message Follows:

This is ridiculous!!

I've called customer support twice.  Each time 
I waited on the phone for nearly 30 mins.
The first agent told me the cam was on back order, and the 
second one told me it was SHIPPED!
You guys have misinformed me and wasted my precious time, 
and I am NOT going to tolerate it anymore!! 

On top of that, You guys have some serious 
staffing quality control issues!! Not only can they 
barely speak English, they
obviously can't read English either!!

I am extremely angry and irritated.  This is
fraud!! I am fully expecting my camera to arrive before
Christmas.  If not, legal action will be taken!!

人就是那麼可惡,我好聲好氣的說,他們不屌我. 等到我恐嚇他們後,他們回的信就變成了這樣:

Dear Mr./Ms. S. Fashona,

Thank you for contacting Dell Customer Care.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and for the delay in
response.  We shipped the Camera via DHL Tracking number 51369808561 
and it shipped out on 12/6/2007.
In case of any questions please do reply to the e-mail without changing
the subject line and we would revert as soon as possible. Please feel
free to visit our Online Customer Care Center at:

Thank you for choosing

這不是敬酒不吃吃罰酒嗎?! 為什麼一定要我撕破臉他們才能好好的辦事呢??! 其實這只是我最近的經驗吧了! 這種事我已見怪不怪了!! 從AT&T, Circuit City, Ebay, Blockbuster, CitiBank, American Express 到訂閱雜誌,報紙, 這種大同小異的鳥事我可能要寫一年都寫不完了!!

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