天啊.... 我到現在都還沒整理行李,不知道是在拖什麼...... 我猜我"等火燒屁股"的個性還是改不了....總是要等到最後一秒才行...ㄏㄏ
晚餐去吃日本料理,由於我們不想在出遠門前買菜作飯,所以進量把冰箱裡的東西能吃的就吃完. 之後就在外面吃飯,但是我們已經在外面吃飯吃ㄧ個半禮拜了 我真的有點膩了...(想吃home made meal...)
頭髮弄完後,我終於可以放心了...... 昨天下午也去把手跟腳的指甲做好 (其實我手指甲一直是3個禮拜做一次) 唉,當一個女人有時候還真累....
今天中午吃完飯後去Spa做臉, 順便Wax腳毛跟bikini line, 不知道為什麼,今天wax一點都不痛! 奇怪了?! 難道是午餐時有喝了點酒的關西嗎?! (如果真的是這樣,那我下次去時先灌幾杯再說!! 哈哈)
My funny looking feet..lol
離開Spa後,回到家,安東尼說我像"珍珠"一樣,全身光溜溜的.... ㄏㄏ (可惜兩個禮拜後,毛又會長出來了... 不過沒關西,以後去做永久去毛的雷射就方便多了)
下午到Mall裡,買了兩副耳環. 因為我是"丟耳環大王" 不多買幾副預備著,我遲早會丟光! 之後又買了雙高跟鞋,很美,又剛好打折, 不買會後悔.... 然後又去買了一個新的大皮箱,之前那個拉鍊不好拉,所以不想帶去機場, 免的檢查行李麻煩....
之後去Walmart給Vinny買了2個新的DVD準備讓他在飛機上看. 小東西很精,我要先藏起來,要不然他現在就要看! 然後又買的一堆萬聖節的小玩具外加糖果點心,所以我想他飛5個半小時應該沒問題了!!
回家前又去了Blockbuster, 租了4個DVD 一個是Aviator,是我跟安東尼要在飛機上看的(一直想看,但沒時間看) 一個是Knocked up,剛才看完 (超好笑 大推特推!!) 另外兩個是Vinny的Dora and Go Diego go, 無聊時在Hotel裡可以看 (我是天不怕,地不怕, 就是怕Vinny不高興會鬧人!! ㄏㄏ)
一堆衣服也剛洗完. 婆婆說明天會來家裡幫我看Vinny, 他也順便會帶來一個她剛買的新的汽車椅給Vinny (我完全不敢相信他居然又長高了2.5吋 目前為止,大大小小的汽車椅已經換了5個了!!)
由於婆婆偏心只愛Vinny,對其他的孫子都淡如水 所以只要我說:"我是要為Vinny買的...." 婆婆立刻二話不說就買單!! 我在想如果其他的妯娌知道的話,不氣死才怪呢!! 哈哈....算他們倒楣囉,誰叫他們不是亞洲人,混不出高人一等的"菁英"!! 只是個無聊平淡的傻白人罷了!! 想跟我比,請靠邊站吧....門兒都沒有!!
Holy shit, I can't believe it's 2:00 am already....I need to get to bed.....but before I go, I want to share something SUPER funny with you guys.....
I was out on the town last week with a visiting Japanese girlfriend of mine (let's just call her "Yoko"). It was fun catching up, but since Yoko is coming from a very closed society like Japan, she was very secretive about her romances and sexual liaisons. (Thank goodness for white chocolate martinis!!!!!!!!!)
After downing about 3 shots, she became Yakkity Yoko! Not only did she confess to having an relationship, but it is with a married man *gasp*.
OMG, I always thought of her as so innocent. And to top that off, they have "relations" in some place called a "LOVE HOTEL". HUH?!?! "What the hell is a love hotel?" I had to ask her. I thought all hotels had the adequate amenities to classify them as "Love" hotels. Apparently not!
These places come in all kinds of themes. For example, she said they "stayed" in a room with a Hello Kitty theme. Hello Kitty sheets, pillows, wallpaper, rugs, etc. She said the room also came with Hello Kitty adult toys I don't know about you, but there's no way those things are getting near me. Anyways, I thought I'd share this shocking story, and I'm rarely shocked! I will never be able look at Yoko the same innocent way....