
Ok, 這是五天前.....

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Having fun at the park

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樂極生悲 哈哈哈 (Nah...don't worry, everyone is fine!)

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The "Triple threat"! (Kayla, Riley and Vinny) LOL

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Vinny's "Older" friends

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三個野孩子! ㄏㄏ

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照夠了吧?! 可以回家了嗎?? 哈哈


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Went to Samantha's house for pool party.....

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朋友Steve (His son is the one in the orange shirt)

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好玩! (Vinny and Samantha and Rodney's daughter Emma)

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Vinny and little Steve

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Big Rodney

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Little Rodney (大的充氣玩具是朋友的,這個小的是我們的)

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My fat ass nearly crush the thing!! HAHAHAHAAH

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This is really cute! lol

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母鴨帶小鴨! 哈哈哈哈

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但是"熱血"的Vinny要耍酷.... ㄏㄏ (其實不冷啦!)


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是的,迪斯尼....我們又回來了... 哈哈 (Me and Eve)

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Vinny in the race car

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Anthony, Eve and Vinny (很巧,我跟Eve都是台灣人,但是老公都是義大利人,而且都叫"Anthony" LOL)

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天啊,安東尼看起來好像超累的樣子! (拜託....好像被我虐待一樣! @@)

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Aaawwww....Eve is sooo sweet.... ^^

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She is like my little sister....

We are just being silly and dizzy.....hahaahh

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我們差點沒給暈死.... 哈哈哈

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WE LOVE GUIDOS!!! lolllll

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We will miss you guys!!

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Crazy boys! ^^

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我們去一家很可愛的海鮮店吃晚飯, it's called "Joe's" or "Eat at Joe's"不記的了...but this is what was hangin' from the ceiling...@@


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TJ Maxx dressing room....

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跟家人還有朋友去噴水公園給Vinny過"第三次"生日時,結果照了蛋糕的相片後,相機居然沒電了!! 真他媽的....@@

Sammy說: 這只是剛開始, Memorial Day weekend的時候會更多節目呢!! 哈哈

    創作者 Qchynadoll 的頭像

    ♥法修納家庭在弗羅里達的生活♥ ©

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