今天安東尼他媽來家裡看小強,所以我跟安東尼可以去外面吃一頓"沒有小孩的安靜晚餐"! 吃到一半時,他的手機響了起來,他看了看Caller ID, 一臉迷惑的拿起來"Hello"一聲.... 五秒鐘後說了聲: "Sorry, you gotta wrong number....."掛了.
當他才剛說完是別人打錯以為我們是Big Apple pizza的時候,手機又響了,他很自動的又看了一下Caller ID,"又是同一個人!" (我要先解釋一下:安東尼的手機是559-8900,但是我們這邊有家義大利餐廳外加外賣店的電話是569-8900,所以那個笨蛋居然又打錯電話影響老娘安靜的吃飯了!!)
不過這次是我接的,也就是說:太好了!終於又有機會讓平時以愛整人而出名的我,好好整整這傻子了!!哈哈哈 (算他今天倒楣!!)
以下是我們的對話: S=Sammy D=Dumb shit
S: (清了一下喉嚨後接了電話.....)Hi, thank you for calling Big Apple Pizza, how may I help you?
D: Oh yes, what is the special on pizza tonight?
S: Is this for dining in or carry out??
D: Carry out!
S: Ok, (我開始瞎掰了....) We are running a ONE TIME special tonight......for 1 large pizza with 3 toppings would be $3.99, each additional large piazz would be 2 dollars, how many would you like to order sir?? (心想:可能又是個死胖子!)
D: WOW!!! ONLY $2 for each additional large pizza?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? gees, I am so glad I called! (說完後開始在後面吼: Martha, you can get 3 toppings for only 2 bucks!! how many should we get???!!) (當時安東尼已經笑的上氣不接下氣了....)
D: (等那兩個人在電話那頭興奮的討論完要點幾各pizza後) 他老兄說: Yeah, can I have 6 large pie, and with ham, pepperoni, and sausage on all of them! (靠夭!!美國人別的不會就是會吃!@@)
S: Sure, sir, may I have your name and address?? (繼續裝著很professional的嗲聲音...)
D: Ok, it's xxxxxxx.....xxxxxx......
S: Ok...hmmm.....(我很用力忍著不笑的嗯嗯阿阿的應著...)然後說: Our driver is running a little bit behind, it would take 30-45 mins for the delivery, is that ok with you?
D: Yeah, that's fine, as long as my pizza is still hot by the time he get here!! ㄏㄏ (乾笑兩聲...覺得自己很酷...)
S: No problem sir, once again, thank you for calling Big Apple pizza, you have a nice night!
掛上電話,我跟安東尼開始放聲大笑. "You are so evil!!"安東尼笑著說.....
"Yeah, remember don't ever piss me off than!!" 我也笑著回答.....
然後吃吃喝喝完後,把剛剛發生的事也快忘了,飯後我們到去了一家水果店買水果,付完帳後正要上車時,他手機又響了! 靠夭啊,都一個多鐘頭了,那傻子是按redial嗎? 人懶連撥各電話都懶!
S: Thank you for calling Big App.....(話還沒說完就被打斷了!)
D: Hey, it's Mr. Sanders, I called about an hour ago??!! remember me???? (很兇狠的口氣!) (我對著安東尼指了指電話,並做了一個很生氣的表情...安東尼一邊搖頭一邊笑著)
S: I am so sorry sir, our driver had a horrible diarrhea on the way to your place, he had to go home and change his pants.....hahhahahh (我終於終於忍不住了的開口狂笑!!!!)
- Jan 02 Tue 2007 17:26